Saturday, April 10, 2010


By Emma C. Clawson
dictated 12/31/1976

We had rather frightening experiences and one night Louis and I stayed up all night because Indians were running around the house. Finally they fell asleep in the snow. We thought they were dead - and they would come and sit all day.

Louis and I would starve until they would leave and then one time they came with fish and wanted flour for it, so I gave them flour and then they wanted a knife. That's when Louis and I had conferences on what to do - so I finally gave them one and they made a thing to carry the flour on their backs - but I'm sure they knew we were afraid.

But somehow they liked us and invited us to have dinner at John Pepper's area. They had fish baked with nothing removed - and, of course, we could not eat that. Also, they gave us presents, things made of beads and moccasins - etc. We did love their maple syrup patties.

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